2021 Class Reunion

 Classmates, We are planning our reunion for next year and it is going to cost $75 per person.

We have opened it up to anyone that would like to attend.

It is scheduled for September 10, 2021.

More information to be announced.

Stay tuned.....

Add a message of your own!

Hey Tigers,

I hate that I was unable to attend the reunion, nevertheless, I am so happy that it was a success!  I know that the individuals that put this together will be able to come together to have another that will rival this past one!  It was so good to see the photos and all of my classmates laughing and having a good time.  I HATE I HAD TO MISS IT, but look out, the next one, I will be there...no doubt!  I agree with Tyrone when he said that the Class of 85 was the best class to enter and exit Blanche Ely High Schoool!   If you look back, you will see that we excelled at EVERYTHING we did, whether it was sports, band, THE CHORUS, *ola sings here*, and in academics.  Thanks to Coach Russell and Coach Facteau in sports, Mr. Womack in band, Mr. Howard in Chorus, and Principal Jones, and Dr. Smiley in academics..WE ROCKED! So...since we excelled THEN, let's excel NOW to have even better reunions going FORWARD!  Peace and Blessings to those that made this one a success...LOVE YA! MEAN IT!

Ola Handy-Fleming

Ola Handy-Fleming
Homecoming Parade Meeting

Meeting  08/28/10 @ 6:00 pm

317 SW 14 ST Ft Lauderdale , Fl, 33315

Katherine Weisgerber

Time:  Saturday, Frbruary 5 at 3:30pm- March 3 at 5:30pm

Location:  Crab Orchard Elementary 3/3/2011 at 3:30pm

Created By:  Jennifer Williams-Collins and Kathie Baker

Brian Patrick Williams has Esophageal cancer stage 4. He does not have any insurance so we are having this fundraiser to help him with his bills. You can purchase raffle tickets, jewerly @ www.liasophia.com/yourgemconnection or send donations to 275 Hidden Hollow Dr. Crossville , Tennessee 38571 in care of Brian Williams. If you have any questions feel free to contact me Jennifer Williams-Collins @  indianmandella@yahoo.com, Please bring a can of mandrian oranges or fruit coctail to the party.


 His Dr.'s appt went well today and his blood work was good.  He has 3 more treatments and then a scan on March 7.His birthday on the March 17th. Please Keep him in your prayers.


Thank you in advance for your help!!!


What A Night of

This was the first but, not the last reuion I shall attend. I thank all that made it possible for this blessed year of events to happen. I will forever remember this. I enjoyed seeing everybody and hope the next one turns outs even better. Class of 85 will always rock.

chiquita moore
Class Meeting Meeting To Discuss Annual Picnic

Hello Classmates,

On Saturday, April 16th at 4pm, we will be having a classmeeting at The Sheraton Suites Cypress Creek. We will discuss our annual picnic and a few other things. Ideas and suggestions are welcome, The picnic will be in July.

Free Picnic




First Annual Football Social

Come out and Kick Off with the class of 85's FIRST ANNUAL FOOTBALL SOCIAL!!

When: November 8, 2015

Where: 5514 Manship Drive Greenacres, Florida 33463

Time:  12:45pm-7pm

Please RSVP with

Pamela Simmons 754-779-9725

Lila Benbow 954-821-5647

Levertis Byrd 954-650-5766


August 6, 2011 Picnic?

I'm scheduled to be in town through August 6. Can someone send me details about the picnic. I would love to be there. I missed the reunion. I was busy getting married :-)

My email address is darienaburrows@gmail.com


Darien "Lovett" Burrows

Darien A Lovett
Free Picnic 8/6/2011 @ Darien Burrows


You don't need to bring anything. Just come ready to have a good time. The Reunion Committee put this picnic together so we all can come together again and have a good time.  I will email you as well.





So sorry I missed the picnic. Looks like you all had a great time!


Cathy McGurk
South Florida - Here I come!

Hi class of 85!  I have a new role at my job that will bring me down to Ft. Lauderdale/Miami every 6-8 weeks, so hopefully we can have a night out.  I will let you know when my next trip is and would love to see my classmates and just have an awesome time!

God Bless to all,


Nyle DiGirolamo
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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