2021 Class Reunion

 Classmates, We are planning our reunion for next year and it is going to cost $75 per person.

We have opened it up to anyone that would like to attend.

It is scheduled for September 10, 2021.

More information to be announced.

Stay tuned.....

Add a message of your own!

I received an email from this person. She found a class ring from Ely 1985. Take a look it could be your ring. ....

Hi. This class ring was posted on ebay. Hoping you might be able to put the word out to your class to help find the owner. Looks to be from the Ely Tigers, Class of 1985. Thanks! 

Visitor name: Jo-Ellen Kenney

Visitor email: mrssquint@gmail.com

Visitor phone:


2020 Reunion Planning Meeting and Alumni Bowling 3rd year

6pm February 8, 2020 we will be having a Class meeting to discuss Our class reunion. We will be taking payments and finalizing shirts ideas. If you have ideas please bring them.  The meeting will be held at 

Panera Bread.

Phone:(954) 783-5490

Address:2101 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33062. 

After the meeting we will be going to DIAMOND STRIKE BOWLING for our annual alumni gathering at 7 pm. 


It’s that time again. Time to reunite with your classmates and friends. Let’s STRIKE up conversations with little time to SPARE. REP YOUR CLASS. This is the 3rd year so, you know what to do.... Bring your money, smiles,laughter and fun. Please leave negative attitudes at home. (IJS). Can’t wait to see you there. 

**** Scholarship Presentations and 2020 Reunion Planning****

On Saturday, June 29th at 12 pm we will be presenting scholarships to four recipients. Following the scholarship presentations, we will be having a class meeting to plan our reunion for 2020. Please come out and join us all thoughts and ideas are welcome.


Annual Bingo~Class Fundraiser


Annual Bingo Class Fundraiser

Bring the entire family out and help us raise money for our scholarship fund.

When: EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT starting January 4 ending March 29, 2019

Where:  Island Jacks Patio Bar & Grill

              4449 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

Time:  7pm-9pm


Island Jack's Bar & Grill has bingo every Friday night and proceeds go to charity. The owners have generously offered the proceeds to go to our scholarship fund every Friday.  This starts from January 4 through March 29, 2019.  Bring the entire family out for date night.



*If you would like to be in the  homecoming parade or help sell food and product while tailgating, please let us know.*

Ely High School Class of 1985

We have set the bar HIGH and they can't change that.

Homecoming is Saturday September 29, 2018. We will be

 participating in the homecoming parade and in the alumni

tailgating. Come out to unwind and enjoy quality time with you



Reminisce about the good old days.


Life is too short so lets make the best of it.

Lets Make It Happen!!!


Arrival time to be announced


We would like to thank everyone that made this event happen.

They thought it wouldn't happen but it did and it’s because of YOU!!!

I pray that you be in prefect peace.

I speak and Ephesians 3:20 blessing over you and your family.

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all

that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

May the Lord keep you until we meet again.


Bessie Graham


The Best Time

If you miss this event you miss some of the best time in your life.  The class of 1985 is still the best class ever.  The spades champs are myself and Cathy McGurk Reiss. We called them names and kick butt.  If any class members want a piece of us you will have to pratice and we will see you next year at the card table.  So Sharon, Lila, Ben, Charlie and Mechach thank you for giving us someone to beat.  I love you all.  To all my classmates that put in the work to make it happen, well done. You did it. GREAT JOB!!

Tyrone Porter
What a Great Class Reunion for the class of 85

I would like to give a HUGE thank you to all those who set up this reunion. I have been part of the last two and yes there were some problems in the past. But I guess the third time is a charm. So lets keep this alive and going. This will work for all future reunions for the class of 85.  The class of 85, would like to plan to have a reunion every year for those who can attend.  Every 5th yr we would like to plan a Class reunion that everyone can attend, this should be the 30th class reunion.  It takes a lot of time, effort, participation, trust, communication, and Money to pull off a class reunion that is meaningful like this reunion that just passed.  With everyones help, there are people who are willing to put forth the effort to make the 30th reunion bigger and better then all other reunions.   So if you had trouble with the prior reunions, we can not change that.  We need to work past that and get the class of 85 together. 

Find your old classmates and get them on the list.  Facebook or here.  This will be updated as events come or if you have suggestions. 

Check out the pictures from the 25yrs reunion.  Find us on facebook. Find me James Carter "Jimmy Carter" on facebook.  I have lots of pictures from most of the events.

Again, Thank you to all those who got this right.  Applause!!!!

To Mr. Womack....25yrs and Assistant Principal...Next time Principal and your name on the Field. 

Thank you for a great time it was great to see everyone.






Jimmy Carter
Up Where We Belong! ''I'm So Happy!

I would first like to thank God Almighty in the name of Jesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit who made this reunion all possible! I would like to express my sincerest heart felt gratitude for everyone who was involved from the incepetion, middle and end process no matter what role you served in even if it was just by gracing us with your presence it was more than anyone of us could dream or expect so with as much heart that God allows me to thank you for the moments, laughs and tears that will last us all for a lifetime! It was not the meet and greet, banquet or picnic it was a group of brothers and sisters and our children and children's children that made this a lifetime event for generations to come for nothing is impossible if you dream and plan and work the plan as can't should never be in anyone's vocabulary as we can do all things in Christ who gives us the strength! An extreme thanks to Mr. Antonio Womack whose tour and presence at Ely and banquet was awe inspiring from a man of true excellence. For those who could not be there we offer our support no matter the reason we hope this memory of the love .peace and joy that we all experienced will allow you to be apart of future gatherings and celebrate each other in unity in one accord as true classmates of the graduated class of 1985.In closing one thought that was shared by all" Thank you for making us feel happy and loved!" May God continue to inspire change and love with your responsibility to bring happiness to your family and friends where ever you go, bless you all till next time stay” Up Where We Belong"

Rafael Quiles
Riding The Reunion Cloud

Hey guys I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you all for a wonderful time. The reunion team did a great job Cudos to all of you, everything fell right into place. I am so glad that I allowed my brother Tyrone to talk me into participating in this unforgettable event. Its been 25 yrs and life has brought certain changes to all of us, but the love and the bond that we shared in high school showed up at the reunion this past weekend. Remember classmates Life is what you make it, but always put God first. I Love you guys and I am still Riding THE REUNION CLOUD so to the classmates that were not in attendance you missed a treat so get on board for next year. To all of you that like playing in water I say (WATER FIGHT BRING YOUR BIG GUNS)      

Meshach Derico
Thanks to all of you!

I can't even begin to tell you all the great time I had. From dancing, bowling, the BB-Q, and the great game of Spades! The water fight, Cedrick, will have me laughing for years to come I'm sure! My husband felt so welcomed. I didn't want it to end. I know this won't be the last we see of each other! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to see you all again. For those who did miss the reunion you have no idea what you missed!! You all will have a special place in my heart forever!


Cathy McGurk Riess

Cathy McGurk
I'm So Happy!!!

I would first like to thank God Almighty in the name of Jesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit who made this reunion all possible! I would like to express my sincerest heart felt gratitude for everyone who was involved from the incepetion, middle and end process no matter what role you served in even if it was just by gracing us with your presence it was more than anyone of us could dream or expect so with as much heart that God allows me to thank you for the moments, laughs and tears that will last us all for a lifetime! It was not the meet and greet, banquet or picnic it was a group of brothers and sisters and our children and children's children that made this a lifetime event for generations to come for nothing is impossible if you dream and plan and work the plan as can't should never be in anyone's vocabulary as we can do all things in Christ who gives us the strength! An extreme thanks to Mr. Antonio Womack whose tour and presence at Ely and banquet was awe inspiring from a man of true excellence. For those who could not be there we offer our support no matter the reason we hope this memory of the love .peace and joy that we all experienced will allow you to be apart of future gatherings and celebrate each other in unity in one accord as true classmates Ely High Class of 1985.  In closing one thought that was shared by all" Thank you for making us feel happy and loved!" May God continue to inspire change and love with your responsibility to bring happiness to your family and friends where ever you go, bless you all till next time stay” Up Where We Belong"

Rafael Quiles

I would like to thank each every member of the class of 85 and there family members for a great time for Cathy and I . I have never felt more welcome around a group , like I did with all of you wounderful people . I was unsure about going with Cathy at first but im glad I came , I would have missed out on meeting a group awesome people and friends . I look forward to seeing you all at the next get together or maybe sooner .


                                       Thank you all

                     Ed , Eddie , Ted . Teddy , Carlos , Riess

Edward Riess
Party Train

We had a Party Train... First stop school.. Second stop..Dance..Dance..Third stop.. Bikini Beach, I mean Water Station, No I meant Picnic!!!! Yeah that was the STOP!!

Cant wait to by my ticket for the next ride, First Grade Club will Ride Again......

Katherine Weisgerber
When is the Next one!!

I did'nt make the Meet & Greet, I made the Banquet, did'nt make the Picnic. Made the bowling alley and when I sit back and look everything over I'm so happy that I was there......can't wait for the next event. Great Job! Class of "85" Love Ya....Mrs. Ellington-porter

Donnetta Ellington
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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